


Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne, an action movie produced by Universal Studios, is directed by Paul Greengrass, and starred by Matt Damon, who reprises his role in the fifth work of this series. Set in the post-Snowden age, the story is about Jason Bourne who discovers a startling conspiracy in his search about his own origin and re-appears to fight. This movie was released on July 29, 2016 in the United States and on August 23, 2016 in China in 2D, 3D and IMAX3D formats.

V-Art Pictures DXR® technology is used for the 3D conversion of this film. The handheld nature of this movie makes it very challenging for 3D presentation, but our team has overcome difficulties and completed the task with high quality and efficiency, perfectly re-presenting such scenes as clean-cut hand to hand fighting and thrilling car chases, which bring a breathtakingly refreshing experience to the audience, who feels as if they were personally on the scene.