
是由新丽传媒股份有限公司及哥伦比亚公司出品的奇幻冒险戏剧影片,影片由陈凯歌执导,王宝强、郭富城、张震、范伟、林志玲等联袂主演。该片于2015年7月以3D、IMAX 3D格式,以及杜比全景声加持在中国大陆上映。虚拟映画为这部影片进行了3D转制并受到导演及制片人的一致好评。

Monk Comes Down the Mountain

A joint production between Xinli Media and SONY/Columbia, Monk Comes Down the Mountain is directed by renowned director Kaige Chen. The movie was release in July 2015. V-Art Pictures is the proud provider of 3D conversion for the feature and received great comments from both the director and the producer.