


Why would I use DXR? conversion instead of shooting in native 3D?
It is usually much less expensive to convert a film into 3D with DXR? compared to shooting in native 3D. The nature of shooting in 3D requires expensive and cumbersome equipment and set up, which can be impractical to use for certain shots, and physically impossible for some others, in addition to more complicated post-production processes. DXR? offers filmmakers more breadth and depth in ways they can communicate the purpose of their film.

Do you agree that direct 3D shooting is usually better than those undergone 2D to 3D conversion?
There have been many titles shot in 3D and the results are worse than those that have undergone a conversion process. These are just a few of the common sources of audience eye fatique: vertical disparity, walleye and color mismatch. Tools are available to correct these problems and repairing them will result in higher costs.
However, certain sceneries are easier to shoot in 3D than through DXR?. The conversion processes more or less synthesize textures and are prone to artifacts if not well carried out. Some poorly converted movies are result of tight production time-frame and/or budget. Different processes and conversion technologies have vastly different quality to cost (and timeframe) ratio.
Well planned production with mixture of direct shooting and DXR? may yield good results.

Why should I choose V-Art Pictures’ DXR® for 2D to 3D conversion?
Our patent pending DXR? technology is developed specifically for 2D to 3D conversion and provides top quality stereoscopic results with fast turnaround; and a process that is able to smoothly enter any existing workflow; our teams of highly experienced creative and technical staff are fully versed in the artistic and functional aspects of 3D conversion; The ISO certified facility provides a highly secure but transparent work atmosphere between us and our clients...

How do I monitor and control the 3D effects and quality?
Clients can monitor, change and preview 3D effects at our facility or anywhere around the world, provided that small pieces of our specialized software are installed on the clients’ site. DXR® also outputs any media format, including DCP for 3D digital cinema preview, as well as those for 3D TV, 3D projection system, 3D monitors.

How much does your conversion cost?
Given the same budget, DXR? usually yields much better results, whereas given same quality requirements, DXR? works within shorter time-frame and lower costs.
Pricing varies depending on nature of content. Please contact us for a detailed proposal on our pricing and services.

How come there is a cost?
There are set-top boxes that do the 2D to 3D conversion automatically nowadays.

We also have had research efforts into automated 2D-to-3D conversion, in fact, it’s now part of DXR® technology. However, generally, automated conversion hardly produces the quality we are satisfied with.